Koinonia OKC is a passionate, diverse, simple, and kind congregation. We know that God loves this world, so we love authentically, too. Spend some time among us and you will see what we mean.
Koinonia OKC isn’t a building (but we gather in one) or a program or a club; it’s a people called together by God in Christ. Following Jesus is a very difficult way to live, and therefore we gather to encourage one another on the journey. We like to say that we exist to announce the arrival of the Kingdom of God by collectively living out the way of Jesus. To proclaim the whole gospel of Jesus for the whole world and to work for measurable change in the world. But we fail at that sometimes and that is OK.
What is a typical Sunday gathering like?

Each Sunday we gather at 114051 N Rockwell Ave OKC. Our friends at Westminster Presbyterian Church have opened and shared their space with us. We gather together Sunday Mornings 10am CST and spend a few minutes connecting with people before we make our way into the large room. Our worship is simple and sometimes we sing hymns and a few modern songs with guitars, piano, and maybe some drums. We open our gatherings with a liturgical responsive reading and prayer. The sermon’s are interactive as we wrestle with the scriptures and look for how the ways of Jesus interact with our world today. We close each gathering with communion and a benediction that sends out back out into the world to live on mission for the Kingdom of God.

What do I wear?

Clothes. Some people are dressed casual and some are dressed up fancy like. Be yourself.

What about kids and youth?

During worship we have all of our kids (except infants and nursery) with us at the beginning of service. The kids up through grades 4-6 are dismissed during the first half of our service to share some time in their own learning space for the rest of worship. We are in the process of forming a Koinonia Youth community. We are praying and waiting for someone to join us that is called to lead that space.

I have some religious baggage? Is that okay in this community?

We get it. Lots of people have trauma from a past religious experience. God is love, but church people forget that sometimes. We hope that Koinonia might be a place of healing and recovery for your wounds. We will err on the side of grace whenever possible. If your religious trauma is more acute and you would like to speak to a pastor, please contact us and we will sit down over coffee and share our stories. 

What if I am an introvert?

If you are more introverted, then visiting a new church is about as fun as a root canal. Here is a possible morning routine for your first visit: Email a pastor and let them know you will be visiting and might lay low for a bit. Arrive early enough to not feel rushed. Grab some coffee and look for the pastoral team to welcome you. We will know you are coming… and will help out with the larger group. We also have books recommended by our pastors available. Nothing says “I am busy and can’t talk right now” like reading a book. The sanctuary doors open at 9:30am and we have couches and chairs available for you in that space. There is a card in the bulletin that will help us get to know you better. You can fill that out and drop it in the offering plate toward the end of the service. After worship, you can slip out as fast as you need to. 

Can I have lunch or coffee with the pastor? Can we make that happen easily?

Yes. Without hesitation, yes. Contact Lead Pastor Damien and let’s set something up. He likes coffee and food.

What kind of church is this?

Koinonia Bible Church is a multi-denominational church. We understand that even the term multi-denominational can be a contested term these days. The bottom line is that on any given Sunday we have people from all backgrounds coming together to break down walls and learn to build bridges. We will also have some that join us that are still searching and skeptical. Not sure if that is a denomination but we welcome them all. We were a church plant that has been around for over 5 years now meeting in various locations that has grown over time. One of the most beautiful things about our community is that we have been supported by churches of multiple denominations. This is a beautiful thing in our day and age of division. We have presbyterian friends, baptist friends, evangelical covenant friends, lutheran friends, and other non-denominational friends. Our pastoral leadership is ordained, academically trained, and committed to wrestling with orthodox Christianity in ways that speak of a much larger tent than you might expect.

We recognize that we don’t have it all together, that we aren’t perfect, and that our spirituality is a never-ending journey.  Therefore, as a community, our desire is the imperfect pursuit of embodying the way of Jesus together. To truly understand what we believe as a community, we invite you to live among us for awhile, as our beliefs can’t be separated from our day-to-day practice.

My story and identity is complex… will there be room for all of me in this community?

Yes. We want to experience the fullest expression of who God has made you. It is a sad reality that church is commonly a place where people are scared to show up in vulnerability and truth. Definitions of identity are swirling in the larger culture, and we hope church is a place where we learn how to be fully ourselves, only more so and more truly. So yes, you are welcome here. All of you. Any questions… please feel free to reach out directly to the church leadership. They are real people too.

Our deepest concern: is the confession “Jesus is Lord” becoming more true to your life. We want to introduce people to the living God, revealed in Jesus and active in God’s Spirit even still. Do you want to help us do that? Then welcome aboard. We have been waiting for you!